PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Ecclesiastes 1:3 – What Advantage Does Man Have?

| September 15, 2009

No matter how many zeroes you add, the number is still zero, unless there is another number at the beginning.  The zeroes are all the advantages man thinks he has under the sun.  It is only when we add God and His love that life adds up to meaning something (1 Cor. 13:1-3).

Ecclesiastes 1:2-11 – From Exasperation to Resignation

| September 15, 2009

We cannot hear the tone of voice of the writers.  Verse two I imagine can be read and understood through the tone of anger or exasperation.  Verses 3-11 are, in my imagination, to be read with a sigh or resignation. For example, usually when someone is repairing, building, or making something – and it is […]

Ecclesiastes – Theme

| September 15, 2009

What is the greatest good (summum bonum)?  How can I find true fulfillment and happiness?  How can I become whole?  Why do I exist?  What is my purpose in life?  But it is equally important to understand that the writer, who might have been selfishly searching, is not selfish in his discoveries.  He shares with […]

Ecclesiastes – Author

| September 15, 2009

Solomon not only fits the qualification of being the son of David (1:1), he also fits the other necessary qualifications (1 Kgs.3:5-14; 1 Kgs.10:14-25): Wise enough to keep his senses about him while experimenting (2:3; 1 Kgs.4:29-34) Rich enough to be able to afford all the experiments (2:4-8; 1 Kgs.4:21-28) Women enough to experiment with […]

Ecclesiastes – Observations

| September 15, 2009

Ecclesiastes may best be summed up in two simple statements: 1. Observation without application of the world’s futility leads to depression. 2. Observation with application of the world’s futility leads to confession.

Mark 11:12-17 – Figs And Funerals

| September 15, 2009

If disturbing but true, biblically based, analogies distress you, do not read this article.  Now that I’ve said that…my guess is that EVERYONE will read it! All of us have seen it done.  None of us will actually directly do it to ourselves, although most of us will have it planned to be done to […]

Jeremiah 36 – Burning Books

| September 15, 2009

In the early to middle 1980’s, I was in a health food shop – why, I do not know – buying some papaya juice – again, why I do not know.  This very tall, older man, tapped me on the shoulder.  As I turned around he asked, “Excuse me, are you intelligent?”  All I could […]

Onward And Upward

| September 15, 2009

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Phil.3:14)  The very day we put on Christ (Gal.3:27), a new journey began – a walk onward and upward.  Did we notice the positive nature of our journey together – it is not only onward, which implies […]

Acts 1:6 – Restoring the Kingdom

| September 15, 2009

  Restoring the Kingdom   Acts 1:6 – So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?”   What was in the mind of the apostles when they asked this question?  Did they have political and personal ambitions?  Were they […]

Mark 14:3-9 – Perfume And Priorities

| September 15, 2009

Mark 14:3-9 NASB (6) While He [i.e., Jesus] was in Bethany at the home of Simon the leper, and reclining at the table, there came a woman with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume of pure nard; and she broke the vial and poured it over His head.  (4)  But some were indignantly remarking […]