PHall | September 23, 2009
The Jews (who might have been blushing in embarrassment at the depravity of the Gentiles as Paul lifted the garbage-can lid on their sins in Romans 1) now come under Paul’s stinging indictment in Romans 2:1-3:8. This passage contains some very surprising, and discomforting insights into the nature of sin. A. Sin inflicts on us […]
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PHall | September 23, 2009
A. Sin is the choice to do wrong (Rom.1:18-20) 1. We have exercised our right to ignore, suppress, or postpone dealing with the evidence of God in nature (“godlessness”) in order to practice “unrighteousness.” That has been our choice and we are “without excuse.” B. Sin is the refusal to glorify and thank God (Rom.1:21) […]
Category: Romans |
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Tags: Commentary, Sex
PHall | September 23, 2009
E.A. Elam wrote, “No adequate definition of sin can be given; no complete description of it may be had. Sin is distinctively a Bible conception; the Bible alone sets forth the full meaning of sin. Sin is to be distinguished from crime, which is an offense against civil law; sin is to be differentiated from […]
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Tags: Definition, Quote, Sin
PHall | September 23, 2009
A train no longer ran through a certain part of town. Every night, when the train was in the past running, the police department received calls claiming suspicious “going on’s.” What was the problem? The neighbors were so used to the sounds, the absence of them caused them concern. While I know it sounds strange, […]
Category: Bible |
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PHall | September 23, 2009
The story is told of a family who lived close to a railroad track, where trains passed hourly with their ringing bells, clacking wheels and shrieking whistles. Visitors would often ask, “how can you sleep at night with all of that noise?” They often explained that when they first moved there, they could hardly get […]
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PHall | September 23, 2009
Many of you are familiar with the oft-told story about the long church service President Calvin Coolidge attended. Mr. Coolidge’s mind tended to wonder (some of you might already be thinking, “what did Perry say?”). President Coolidge’s wife decided to test him, asking what the sermon had been about. “Sin,” the often verbally brief Coolidge […]
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Tags: Coolidge, Illustration, Sin
PHall | September 22, 2009
In commenting on difficult times, William McCumber, in an editorial entitled “Leadership Paradoxes” has listed ten conclusions about people in general. He found the letter in a newspaper article about Howard Ferguson, a wrestling coach, who initially formulated the list: People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway.
Category: Acts |
Tags: Eldership, Leadership, Paradoxes
PHall | September 22, 2009
The major interpretations are: 1) the water and blood which poured from Jesus’ side at His death (Jn.19:34) – Augustine; 2) the ordinances of baptism and communion – Calvin, Luther; 3) purification and redemption; 4) the water of Jesus’ baptism and the blood shed in His death. Remember, whichever interpretation is correct; it must be […]
Category: I John |
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PHall | September 22, 2009
1 Whoever [Lit., everyone that] believes that Jesus [emphasis on Humanity] is the Christ [emphasis on Deity – “The Cerinthian antichrist denies the identity of Jesus and Christ – 2:22] is born [perfect; or begotten; “The Divine Begetting is the antecedent, not the consequent of the believing” – Law] of God; and whoever loves the […]
Category: I John |
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PHall | September 22, 2009
Here is an example of where we let familiar words in the verse itself define the more unfamiliar words. Testing the spirits is testing the prophets. Also through this method we learn what a prophet is – one who speaks directly by the Spirit (or claimed spirits) through the prophet. Since John was dealing with […]
Category: I John |
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