PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 John 2:2 – Propitiation

| September 22, 2009

“Though the general thought here is quite plain, the specific meaning of the word translated expiation (Greek hilasmos) is disputed.  The word occurs again in 4:10 of Christ, whom God sent to be the expiation for our sins.  The older versions generally have `propitiation,’ a word which means an appeasement, some gift or deed which […]

1 John 2:1 – Little Children

| September 22, 2009

Most likely John used this term endearingly, and definitely not snidely.  By this time, John was old.  There is tradition that towards the end of John’s life, when he was too feeble to walk, he would be carried to services saying, “little children, love one another.”

1 John 1:7 – Walking in the Light

| September 22, 2009

What does walking in the light mean?  On one side proponents claim walking in darkness happens when the Christian commits even one sin ‑ “sin is darkness, after all.”  The opposing side counters, walking in light describes a life‑style, not each punctiliar action ‑ “its a walk, not one step.” Contextually, “walking in light” is […]

1 John 1:7 – Sin As A Concept

| September 22, 2009

“Heathen authors say very little about sin, and classic paganism had little or no conception of sin in the Gospel sense.  The nearest approach to it was by Plato, from whose works a tolerably complete doctrinal statement might be gathered of the origin, nature, and effects of sin.  The fundamental idea of hamartia (sin) among […]

1 John 1:5 – Light

| September 22, 2009

Light is the condition of life.  Physically, it represents glory; intellectually, truth; morally, holiness.  Most translations do not capitalize light.  Even the older version of the NASB didn’t.  With the capitalization found in the updated version of the NASB, the translators are, in their opinion, hinting at the philosophical debate between the Gnostics and orthodox […]

1 John 1:4 – Life Was Manifested

| September 22, 2009

Notice the indistinguishable connection between Jesus and life.  Jesus didn’t “possess” life.  Jesus was life.  But equally important to John’s theology in defeating the Gnostics was the indistinguishable connection between the flesh and spirit of Jesus.  Jesus was truly man, and fully God.  Historically speaking, most heresies have emphasized one to the diminishing of the […]

1 John 1:1 – From the Beginning

| September 22, 2009

While similar in language to Jn.1:1, the reference point, in my opinion, is different.  This beginning, contrary to others, does not go “beyond the Christian dispensation, beyond the Incarnation, to the eternal purpose of God in Christ” (Robertson, v.6, p.204), although that does appear to be the majority view.  I believe John’s point of reference […]

1 John 1:7 – Giving Blood

| September 22, 2009

A feminine voice spoke into my answering machine, “we need your type to be donated due to a current shortage.”  I am B positive – not the rarest, nor the most common.  Being civically minded, I drove from East Boca to West Boca through a torrential storm.  They closed at 5:00 PM, so I went […]

1 John 1:1-3 – Making “Sense” of the Gospel

| September 22, 2009

  In sixth grade, my daughter Rachel came home with science class work.  They had to decide which sense, if they had to lose one, they would least likely miss. Which would you choose?  I chose smelling.  Every sense is special, after all, they are gifts from God given to enjoy this world.  However, for […]

1 John 4:19-24

| September 22, 2009

I like to refer to this section of I John 4:19‑24, by asking the question, “How do you treat your conscience?”  V.19 starts out stating that Christians know something, “hereby we know”.  This knowledge is based upon the action of verse 18.  So we know that we are of the truth if we ‑ love […]