PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Exodus 14 – Praying through the Bible #27 – A Prayer of Forgetfulness

| January 31, 2013

Do you ever look back at your prayers in shame? An advantage to having a “good forgetter” is periodically I get surprised when reading the Bible. Forgetting what I know, the story becomes “new” again. What did I forget this time? That Israel forgot. The 10 Plagues are over, devastating Egypt economically and emotionally. Israel […]

1 Timothy 6:4 – Feel by Association

| January 30, 2013

Because we both “see by association” and “hear by association,” our eyes and ears pick up parts and our brains fill in the rest by experience and familiarity. We can rightly “raed teh wrods” even when spelled incorrectly. Our brains can function on less than perfect information. This is the foundation of puns and things […]

Perryism – The plagues on Egypt were caused by a “Staff” infection.

| January 29, 2013

Exodus 4:27-12:21 – Praying through the Bible #26 – A Prayer of a Transforming Servant

| January 29, 2013

Not a born leader, watching Moses “grow into” a servant leader is a humbling, possibly stressful and shaming lesson. If an 80 year old man can change…. What’s the secret? Serving, believing, affiliating, interceding, and getting personally involved. As placated by grace, before his first trip, “Moses and Aaron went and assembled all the elders […]

Perryism (Humor) “Begetting”

| January 29, 2013

In Bible times about a parent and a child, used today in the South with a changed emphasis: “You better begettin’ your chores done unless you be a wantin’ a whoppin’.”

Exodus 4:10; 6:12,30 – Praying through the Bible #25 – A Prayer of Excuses

| January 28, 2013

There are excuses, and there are reasons. Can a reason turn into an excuse? Can the reasonable become replaceable with faith, by Spirit given gifts? Going down to Egypt, every thought and word of Moses expresses hesitancy, inadequacy, and stubbornness (4.1-11); accompanied by grace-placated submission (Ex 4.14-17). After the mission successfully “fails” (4.21), Moses blames […]

Acts 2:37 – “Shall” or “Must”

| January 27, 2013

Words impact our thinking, creating shockwaves to other thoughts. Sometimes these “power words” are overlooked due to their seeming insignificance. And yet they can produce powerful thoughts if we allow ourselves to be impacted mentally and spiritually. In most translations of Acts 2:37, the broken hearted ask, “What shall we do?” The Holman Christian Standard […]

Perryism – Church is not about each one meeting together, but together meeting each one’s needs.

| January 27, 2013

Exodus 4:18-6 – Praying through the Bible #24 – A Prayer of a Successful Failure

| January 27, 2013

If you plan to fail and you fail, did you fail or succeed? More than just a funny conundrum, the answer may be a little too close to home, too personal and applicable. Add to that this: If you don’t succeed according to how God wants you to succeed, did you fail or did God […]

1 Corinthians 13:13 – Giving the Gift of Hope

| January 25, 2013

When dealing with habitual recovering sin-addicts, we find ourselves unable to give fully our love because of past hurts and disappointments. Our faith in them is almost non-existent so we cannot express our confidence. But there is always hope, our hope, because no matter what pain we are still suffering, we have forgiven enough to […]