PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Bookends of Genesis

| January 30, 2019

Bookends of Genesis: The structure of Genesis can be simplified into two halves: 1-11; 12-50. The writer himself shows us this two-part division: • Genesis 1-11 “let us make man in our own image” (1:26); “let us go down there and confuse their language” (11:7) o “be fruitful and fill the earth” (1:28); “so the […]

TODAY’S PRAYER – Genesis 46

| January 29, 2019

TODAY’S PRAYER – Genesis 46 – Jacob leaves the Promise Land to go to Egypt. This is the same thing Abraham did (Genesis 12). What is similar is a famine. What is different is permission to go. God tells Jacob, “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt” (Genesis 46:3). If Egypt represents that […]

How Genesis 2-3 Helps Interpret 1 Corinthians 14:33-36

| January 28, 2019

As Genesis 3 wrongfully reverses Genesis 2; 1 Corinthians 14 corrects Genesis 3:1-7 I. What is happening in Genesis 3? 1. A question is wrongfully asked by the serpent to the woman about the word of God. 2. Then Eve takes the lead over her husband and judges both what the serpent and God said. […]

Genesis 37-43 – TODAY’S PRAYER

| January 23, 2019

TODAY’S PRAYER – The narrative of Joseph is also the personal story of one of his brothers. It was this brother’s callous idea to sell Joseph into slavery (Genesis 37:26-27). This brother’s story includes him visiting a “prostitute” not knowing she was his daughter-in-law, and then wanting to put her to death for getting pregnant […]

Genesis 1-2 – Headship Established

| January 23, 2019

At least two things are essential when understanding one’s own argument: 1) What the foundational fact(s) is that everything else is built on. 2) How one’s position may be defeated. The conclusion I have reached on whether headship is established by God in men, both in the home and in the church, is reasoned from […]

Genesis 2-3 – Headship Usurped

| January 23, 2019

In another section we saw how Genesis 1-2 are not contradictory, but rather are complementary. How does Genesis 2 relate to Genesis 3? To begin let’s ask, “What happens in Genesis 3?” If we answer, “Sin and death enter the world,” we are correct. If we say, “The serpent tempts Eve”, again that is accurate. […]

TODAY’S PRAYER – Genesis 43

| January 22, 2019

TODAY’S PRAYER – Jacob waited out of fear. Simeon waited in prison while Jacob waited out of fear. Eventually the brothers had to return to Egypt, due to the famine, with Benjamin. If they hadn’t, they would not be granted another audience with the disguised Joseph, and their other brother would remain imprisoned. Jacob thinks […]

Why Was Eve Not Made From the Ground Too?

| January 19, 2019

Why Was Eve Not Made From the Ground Too? There are three origins for man and woman. God – Shared by both as each is made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26,28). The spirit returns to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7). Earth – Adam directly from the ground (Genesis 2:7); Eve derivatively from Adam (Genesis 2:21-22). The body […]

TODAY’S PRAYER – Genesis 42

| January 19, 2019

TODAY’S PRAYER – The story of Joseph is a foreshadowing of Jesus. The story is not just about Joseph; it also includes his brothers and father. Genesis 42 records two reactions to seemingly bad situations (read the chapter). The brothers lament, “What is this God has done to us?” (v.28). The father complains, “Everything happens […]

Types of Baseball Coaches

| January 18, 2019

Types of Baseball Coaches:1. The kind who ruined young boys arms to win games.2. The kind who let parental money influence who played even if it meant losing.3. The kind who tried to be a friend and ended up being a pushover with the players dictating everything. 4. The kind who played everyone since it was […]