PHall | August 2, 2019
Is this significant or nothing: When reading Genesis 1, I noticed how the word seed was used repeatedly, even when unnecessary. Such an example of the latter is, “I have given you every seed-bearing plant…and every tree whose fruit contains seed” to eat. Why not just say plants and fruit? Would the significance be the […]
Category: Genesis |
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PHall | August 2, 2019
Step 1 – God blesses him; Step 2 – He blesses others; Step 3 – Others are blessed through him. That sums up the call to Abraham (Genesis 12), and pretty much our call too. Be blessed; Be a blessing; Be through whom people are blessed.
Category: Bible |
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PHall | August 2, 2019
Abraham is admired and exalted as a man of faith, and rightfully so (Romans 4). But…I just noticed (or had forgotten) that although Abraham faithfully went to a land not knowing where he was going (Hebrews 11) he did go empty handed! He took “all the possessions” and “all the people they had acquired” (Genesis […]
Category: Genesis |
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PHall | August 2, 2019
Category: Bible |
Comments Off on Abraham offered his nephew any land, and Lot chose a lot that had a lot of beauty and a lot of evil. There’s not just one lesson here, there is a…lot.
PHall | August 2, 2019
It was customary practice in a Roman crucifixion for the prisoner to be forced to carry his own cross. Jesus carried His own cross until the weight and effects from the scourging made Him stumble. So don’t soften the frightening scene appearing in the minds of the disciples when Jesus said, “Whoever does not bear […]
Category: Luke |
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PHall | August 2, 2019
1. It’s about a father and son.2. The phrase “here I am” is repeated.3. There is a substitution. 4. There is “deception”.5. There is a blessing.6. An animal plays an intricate role.7. There is an intent to kill a family member).8. Following the story, there is another about getting a wife, but not marrying a wife […]
Category: Genesis |
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