PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

An Ethical Dilemma Before There Was An Ethical Dilemma

| August 31, 2024

An ethical dilemma is commonly presented to college students. A runaway train is on course to collide with and kill 5 people down the track, but a bystander can intervene and divert the train resulting in killing just one person on a different track. What choice should be made? 1. Do nothing and let 5 […]

Aids vs Additions #1 – Are Aids Allowed?

| August 31, 2024

Years ago, it was common to hear arguments concerning the difference between aids and additions in worshiping God. This involved hermeneutics. For now, let’s presume we all agree that adding to the word is unscriptural. How do we know when we are simply using an aid? Where does the Bible authorize aids? If additions are […]

Aids vs Additions #2 – When Are Aids Wrong?

| August 31, 2024

All through God’s word He warns against Going Beyond (2 John 9), Adding and Taking Away (Deut 4:2), and Turning to the Right or Left (Deut.17:11), which is another way of saying don’t add or subtract. Obviously additions are not approved by God.   While aids are scriptural and additions are not, when does an […]

Aids vs Additions #3 – Are Meeting Places Authorized?

| August 31, 2024

In number #1, we established that Aids are unavoidable in obeying commands. Every command of God involves some means or mode that are man-made. When it comes to commands (Heb.10:25) and examples (Acts 2:46) to meet together, obviously it is unavoidable to meet without having a place to meet. Therefore, a “meeting place” fits criteria […]

Genesis 3:22; Revelation 22:1-3 – Once Saved Always Saved?

| August 22, 2024

What’s the very first biblical argument against “Once Saved Always Saved”? I get little smiles when I take so many things back to Genesis 1-3, but here I go again!   While Adam and Eve didn’t need to be saved before Genesis 3, we can all admit that they gained life from God as a […]

Advice to Younger Preachers – How To Disagree with Older Preachers

| August 18, 2024

Advice to Younger Preachers – It is OK to disagree with older preachers. Zeal is commendable and the young possess it in abundance. Here are five ways to be successful: 1. KNOW THE SCRIPTURES: The more specific the use of scripture, the better. The context of the scripture and the conversation must match. Too many […]

Proverbs 18:1-2 Chiasm

| August 16, 2024

Proverbs 18:1-2 (CSB) I DON’T WANT TO LISTEN TO YOU A – 1) One who isolates himself pursues selfish desires; B – he rebels against all sound wisdom. I WANT YOU TO LISTEN TO ME B’ – 2) A fool does not delight in understanding, A’ – but only wants to show off his opinions.

G.O.S.S.I.P. Acronym

| August 16, 2024

G.O.S.S.I.P.G – gorgingO – onS – secretS – shamefulI – insidiousP – pain

Genesis – You Are No Longer In Eden

| August 16, 2024

Eden begins Genesis and Genesis ends with Egypt. These two geographical areas are thematically connected because Genesis ends in ways opposite of how it begins. These operate narratively as bookends: • Beginning – From emptiness to blessings in 7 days. • Ending – From 7 years blessings to 7 years famine (emptiness). • Beginning – […]

Ephesians 6:1-4 – Who’s Leading Whom?

| August 16, 2024

After WWII, a new family unit was created – the teenager. Before that, “teens” didn’t exist as a celebrated age. Before that “teens” were young adults. Since then, the trauma of war-torn youth led sway to the coddling of teens. That has led to a verse you might be very familiar with – Fathers, don’t […]