PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Is There Only One Way?

| September 19, 2024

Is there only one way to God? Contrary to popular thought, and recent comments made by the head of the Catholic Church, Jesus is the only way. But do we understand deeply what that means? Jesus is called the Way (John 14:6) and Jesus’s followers were so identified with their Lord that, what we call […]

Acts 15 – How Can Leaders Be Successful?

| September 17, 2024

ACTION #1 – Follow up on problems quickly by not ignoring or hiding from them (Acts 15:1-6). REASON – This keeps smaller problems from becoming bigger, and bigger problems from becoming insurmountable. ACTION #2 – Allow the leaders to lead (Acts 15:6). REASON – Leaders need followers or else they are figureheads who become the […]

How to Keep Our Children Safe

| September 17, 2024

How do we keep our children from leaving faithful churches to go to those not following the faith? How do we help our children follow after faithful saints regardless of age, instead of leaving to follow after their friends? This is an anecdotal tale. From 6th grade to 12th grade, I worshiped with a small […]

I Left the Church

| September 17, 2024

Meditate on this thought: “What I believe about God’s word is more important than how people treat me”. Many people will leave churches where they are mistreated, and start worshiping with a church that is friendly and yet practices and teaches things contrary to what they believe. Whether they want to admit it, how they […]

The First Day of the Sabbaths?

| September 17, 2024

Open your Bibles to Acts 20:7 and you will see that the church gathered to break bread on “the first day of the sabbaths”. Go on to 1 Corinthians 16:2, and we again read how Paul gave instructions about the collection for the poor saints on, “every first day of the sabbaths”. They church gathered […]

Satire – The 10 Commandments for Modern Church Goers

| September 17, 2024

1. Thou shalt put God first on your calendar unless something fun comes up. 2. Thou shalt not allow images to replace God unless it is a husband, wife, child, boyfriend or girlfriend. 3. Thou shalt not take my name in vain unless you use text talk like OMG because that is LOL. 4. Thou […]

Four Phrases Satan Uses

| September 17, 2024

Four phrases that often reveal the subtle ways Satan tempts us: 1. “Show me in the Bible where it says I have to!” • Is this Satan tempting us to live to the bare minimum of what is right? • Is this Satan tempting us to be justified by law and not faith? 2. “Show […]

Genesis 1,3 – Seed After Its Kind

| September 17, 2024

 Genesis 3:15 is not the first mention of “seed” in Genesis. Notice this pattern: 1:11 – “seed according to its kinds” 1:12 – “seed according to its kinds” When we get to Genesis 3:15 notice this pattern continues: 3:15 – “I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your seed and her […]

Genesis 3- Eve Challenges God

| September 4, 2024

Temptation is often divided into three parts: lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life.(1 John 2:16). This is a proper way of viewing temptation. This is proper, but it is limited because it applies to us tempting ourselves: OUR flesh, OUR eyes, OUR pride. Temptation also involves how we view God. […]