PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 John 3:12 – Cain

Why did John choose Cain as his example?  One reason might be the continued use of that “from the beginning.”  Cain definitely fits that time period.

Also, “There is a possibility, which cannot be definitely proved, that John’s selection of Cain as a representative of those who hate was due to the existence of a worship of Cain among the false teachers whom he combatted.  It is well known that sucha sect existed somewhat later among the Gnostics (Irenaeus, Against Heresies , I, 31).  They were part of the Ophites (Hebrew Naasenes), who worshipped the serpent.  The motivation was as follows: In their dualistic belief of the origin of the world, they held that the God of the Old Testament was evil.  Moreover, he was a tyrant who would have kept man in ignorance.  Hence the serpent in attempting to bring man enlightenment was a symbol of righteousness.  Adam and Eve, like Cain later, were justified in their rebellion against him.  The system taught a complete inversion of the moral principles of the Old Testament.  It reasoned, because the God of the Jews was evil, that all he taught as good must be regarded as evil and all he forbade might be indulged in.  Christ as redeemer was merely completing what the serpent had begun.” (J.W. Roberts, The Letters of John, p.89)

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