PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Luke 1 – Introducing Ourselves To Ourselves

Do we know who we are? Maybe we need to introduce ourselves to ourselves.
Samuel didn’t think much of David upon meeting him. And yet God said “Man does not see what the LORD sees, for man sees what is visible, but the LORD sees the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).
Elizabeth didn’t think much of herself, calling her barren-self a disgrace among the people (Luke 1:25). And yet inspiration says, she was “righteous in God’s sight, living without blame according to all the commands and requirements of the Lord” (Luke 1:6).
And who among us would have chosen Saul (aka Paul) as a viable candidate for repentance considering his zeal to persecute the Way? (Acts 8,9,22,26). God did.
Long ago I knew a man who taught his wife the gospel, but refused to submit himself in baptism. He was a gunner in the Navy during WWII. He saw himself as beyond redemption because of all the soldiers he had killed. God saw him differently.
God’s view of us is often contrary to how others see us, including ourselves. While in his last few years, that reluctant man I knew long ago saw that Jesus’ blood was more powerful than the blood on his hands. Sometimes we need to let God introduce us to ourselves as He sees us.

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