PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

A Virtual Eternity?

As a believer, would you be satisfied and spiritually filled with never being eternally and personally in the presence of God, with the only connection to God being prayer? No heaven. No “new heavens and earth”. Only prayer. Forever. As much as I need prayer now, I am looking forward to that closer relationship defined by God’s fuller presence!
Now let’s make an application. As a believer, are you satisfied and spiritually filled with never being personally in the presence of God’s people, and the only connection to the church being virtual? No assembly. No Bible classes. No hospitality both offered and received. Only screens. As much as I need Zoom and other ways of virtually meeting during times of illness, I am always looking for that closer relationship defined by being in each other’s presence, both in church and in our homes!
If you want more than only prayer as your eternal future and desire the closer presence of God; then don’t want only a virtual relationship with God’s people. As my friend says, “See you in church”; and where another friend says, “It’s good to see you in the flesh”.

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