PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Miracle or Miracle Worker?

Miracle or Miracle Worker?
Every physical miracle points to a spiritual reality. Every sign and wonder is inferior to the spiritual reality it points to.
What would people rather experience? Jesus condemned those demanding signs and wonders (John 6). Miracles visibly benefited people. Therefore they are preferred.
Why are we so willing to accept the inferior over the superior? Selfish and shortsighted, we focus on us, getting this world’s things.
Even after His death, the resurrection of Jesus was a physical miracle, and pointed to a greater spiritual reality – Jesus is the Son of God (Rom.1:4) and defeat of Satan’s greatest weapon which is death (1 Cor.15).
A self-centered Christianity that prefers only the forgiveness from a Savior and not Christ as King is focused on personally benefiting without the submission. This is accepting the inferior over the superior.
A weak Christianity overemphasizes our importance because of God’s love and again, we personally benefit from love. However, this priority over and above glorifying God as Lord and King places us in danger of making God submit to our priorities.
So while we all would love to see a miracle because humans are the visible recipients of that love and grace, remember they point to who is greater – our God to whom we serve. Worship is our ultimate benefit, privilege, duty, honor, and yes, place.

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