PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Advice to Younger Preachers – How To Disagree with Older Preachers

Advice to Younger Preachers – It is OK to disagree with older preachers. Zeal is commendable and the young possess it in abundance. Here are five ways to be successful:
1. KNOW THE SCRIPTURES: The more specific the use of scripture, the better. The context of the scripture and the conversation must match. Too many drawn out conclusions are man-made to make a point.
2. BE COURTEOUS: Don’t insult by saying a position held by the older preacher is done out of ill motives, such as pride. “Ad hominem” arguments are beneath the dignity owed the old from the young, from one preacher to another (especially one you don’t personally know).
3. STAY ON TOPIC: Don’t distract from the conversation by adding something to make yourself look better and superior to the older preacher (especially one you don’t personally know). He might actually be busier in the kingdom that you realize.
4. BE HUMBLE: Don’t try to make a name for yourself by denigrating the name of another. Realize it is better to have no name at all, than a bad name. Many if not most of the greatest servants are no-names.
5. BE OPEN-MINDED: Strongly held positions are wonderful. Hold to the standard. Knowledge is esteemed Biblically. Wisdom is also a highly advocated attribute. Maybe years of preaching and studying have taught the older preacher something worth listening to.
On Facebook there can be many disagreements. Older preachers can indeed be wrong. Many of these “arguments” are between preachers who don’t personally know one another. When we try to win points, we will lose influence. From an older preacher to the younger ones, one day you will be the older preacher. Help the older preacher, while remembering the five points above. He can help you too.

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