PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Aids vs Additions #1 – Are Aids Allowed?

Years ago, it was common to hear arguments concerning the difference between aids and additions in worshiping God. This involved hermeneutics. For now, let’s presume we all agree that adding to the word is unscriptural. How do we know when we are simply using an aid? Where does the Bible authorize aids? If additions are forbidden how do we know aids are allowed?

Some aids are unavoidable. If unavoidable, then they must be a necessary inference in obeying the command (a method disdained by some but is “necessary”).

To begin, I will use Paul’s example of carrying the contribution from Corinth to Judea (1 Cor.16). Here is where we find an aid necessarily built into the command. If Corinthians were commanded to take up a contribution on Sundays for saints in Jerusalem, how else was it to get there if not by some courier? Aids can be a necessary inference.

Here is another argument, one we know but maybe don’t know! It also is based upon necessary inference. Did you know it is impossible to obey any (or almost any) command of God without some man-made mode of obeying? For example, we are commanded to be baptized. We infer that any place with enough water for an immersion qualifies. The man-made modes are plentiful. Do I lay the person back as is commonly done? Does the one being baptized stand, kneel, or sit in the water? I use whatever method or aid that is easiest on the one being baptized. Method is a necessary aid in fulfilling the command. What we must beware of is when an aid or method becomes tradition and bound.

So far we have seen how some aids are unavoidable. Additions are obviously avoidable.

Next we will tackle aids that are not necessary, are still scriptural, and yet are not additions.

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