PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Why Didn’t Adam and Eve Die That Day?

God said to Adam, “The day you eat from it you will certainly die” (Gen.2:17).
Satan tempted to Eve, “You certainly will not die” (Gen.3:4).
Then Adam and Eve ate but didn’t die.
In defending God, some have suggested:
1. They did die that day, spiritually. Agreed, but is that what God meant in 2:17? That is, that day they would “die spiritually”?
2. They did start to die that day, physically. True and access to the tree of life was removed that day (Gen.3:22-24). Again, is that what God meant? That is, that day they would “begin to die”?
Others have agreed with the Serpent. God lied, or at least the god as presented in the story lied.
Still others have tried to answer without impugning God by stating death was delayed, but still came. True, but God said, “the day”, not eventually.
Still some ignore the tree of life and argue Adam and Eve would have died anyway being mortal.
What’s the answer?
Before suggesting a solution, we need to reexamine some presumptions about Adam and Eve’s responses to God when confronted about their sins.
Have you heard how Adam blames both the woman and God for his sin? And how Eve blames the Serpent?
Let’s look again at their responses:
Adam – “The woman you gave to me, she gave me the fruit” (Gen
Eve – “The Serpent deceived me” (Gen.3:13).
Here are some questions to contemplate:
1. Was what Adam said factually correct? Yes.
2. Was what Eve said factually correct? Yes.
Pause for a moment. It is true that it is possible both were trying to escape blame by pointing fingers outwardly; but to infer that we are reading motives.
Did you notice what I excluded from the above responses from Adam and Eve? Read them again and compare to your Bible. What is missing? Their confessions that they ate. If they are wanting to cast blame away from them, they could have left off the only incriminating evidence.
That’s because God giving the woman to Adam didn’t cause him to be afraid and his eyes to be opened. Eve giving the fruit to Adam didn’t cause those effects either. Eve being deceived didn’t cause any of those consequences for her. Being tempted is not sinning.
Only one act caused the fear, hiding, and awareness. They each ate. And to that they each confessed – “and I ate”.
How does this answer the original problem of them not dying that day? Eventually they will, but eventually is not that day.
What I consider to be the answer is seen in another act of God in this scene.
After Adam and Eve inadequately clothe themselves with fig leaves, God makes them clothes out of animal skins. God is showing mercy and grace.
That to me is the strongest argument as to why Adam and Eve did not die physically that day. God showed them mercy and grace. Why? Because they confessed.
Isn’t that the story of the Bible? Isn’t that the same ending you and I need? Confess and receive life both spiritually and in the resurrection.

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