PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Acts 6-7 – Its the Message Man

It’s the Message Man….

Not counting Jesus, when you think of prominent preachers in the New Testament, who comes to mind? Paul? Peter? Again, not considering Jesus, when you think of recorded sermons within the New Testament who has the longest? It is not Paul, nor Peter. It is Stephen (Acts 7).

But wait…Stephen is not an apostle. He waits on tables because the apostles thought “it is not desirable for us to neglect the word of God in order to serve tables (Acts 6:2).”

Yes, Stephen is a table server. Such a humble position within the church still required great blessings from God and great character. Acts 6 records that Stephen was not “full of himself” but rather “full of the Spirit and of wisdom” (v.3); “full of faith and of the Holy Spirit” (v.5); and “full of grace and power” (v.8).

Stephen became a great performer of wonders and signs among the people (Acts 6:8). Stephen, from table server to a great miracle worker, with both being in the service of God, he served however God wanted. All this leads to Stephen being “dragged…away and brought…before the council” (Acts 6:12). All this leads to Stephen being given the chance to “minister the word” (Acts 7) himself.

Stephen is not an apostle, not even called a preacher. He is a table server greatly gifted by God who serves humbly in any capacity God leads him to serve.

Stephen proves it is not the position of the man who preaches. It is the man who positions himself to serve God. And ultimately it is the message, not even the man.

Who are we?  Where are we serving?  Serve where and how, and even whenever.  If we serve tables, then we serve the message through our lives. If we serve tables, then we will serve as a message of life to others. If we choose to serve, then God will choose where, how and when we are to serve. And our service will not be determined by our position, but rather by our service.

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