PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Are We Seeing Truth or What We Are?

Do we sometimes “see” what we are and not what is? I am not saying that we are purposely “seeing” what we WANT to see; but rather that we see what we are feeling, believing, and such instead of seeing what is really there. Do you think that is possible?
For example, the following could be bad eyesight, or it shows that we can “see” what we are experiencing, believing, and other convoluting factors. As I was scrolling, a Facebook post had the word “success”. I didn’t “see” “success”. I “saw” “stress”. Yes, it has been a stressful day! Thank you for asking!
When reading the Bible, do we do this? Do we “see” God condemning the sins of others, but not our own? Do we “see” the Holy Spirit revealing truths we already believe but not what we need to still learn?
More to the point of the opening illustration, do we ever change what is revealed to fit what we “are” already? Read the following and then open your Bibles to see if you are seeing what God inspired men to write down or are you “seeing” what you are. Which of the following fits what the Spirit revealed:
Acts 2:38
Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of sins….
Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins….
Mark 16:16
He that believes and is saved will be baptized….
He that believes and is baptized will be saved….
1 Peter 3:21
Baptism does not save you…..
Baptism does now save you…..
The fact that we can “see” what is not there because of our mental state does strongly suggest we can also “see” what is not there because of our spiritual state. Are we seeing what we are or what God wants us to be?

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