PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Acts 15 – How Can Leaders Be Successful?

ACTION #1 – Follow up on problems quickly by not ignoring or hiding from them (Acts 15:1-6).

REASON – This keeps smaller problems from becoming bigger, and bigger problems from becoming insurmountable.

ACTION #2 – Allow the leaders to lead (Acts 15:6).

REASON – Leaders need followers or else they are figureheads who become the de facto followers. God’s order is purposeful.

ACTION #3 – Follow God through the scripture – Don’t think human wisdom, emotions, experiences (unless backed by scripture), are equal to God’s word (Acts 15:7-18).

REASON – Look carefully at the text and you will find as part of the method God’s commands, Paul’s approved examples, and Peter’s proper inference. For those who don’t see power in examples, all of Acts 15 is an example, including using examples.

ACTION #4 – Be clear on the solution, including the reasoning (Acts 15:19-21).

REASON – Explanations show the reasons for decisions, plus their limitations.

ACTION #5 – Involve others as part of the solution (Acts 15:22).

REASON – Getting people involved not only makes people feel needed, it proves they are needed.

ACTION #6 – Work towards unity (Acts 15:25).

REASON – What started as a division ends in unity because all the above was followed.

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