PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Acts 1:8 – Geographic and Spiritual Advancement

The gospel progresses in Acts in succession to Jews (Hebraic, Hellenistic, Proselytes), Samaritans, and finally to Gentiles (Acts 1:8). This is more than just geographic advances; this shows an advance spiritually with whom they were willing to fellowship in Christ – those far off (Acts 2:39-40). From the comfortable and religiously righteous (Hebraic Jews); to those argued with and thought of as religiously inferior (Hellenistic Jews). From the hated for being religiously traitors (Samaritans); to those ignored for being religiously unworthy and unclean (Gentiles). How are we advancing in our own spiritual journey in reaching out to those unlike ourselves? Or are we only comfortable with those raised – religiously, racially, economically, politically, socially – just like us?

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