PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Hebrews 1 – Patriarchy

Destroy the Patriarchy?
Our American culture today is intent on “dismantling the patriarchal system”. Is this system Biblical? If so, is dismantling it a sound idea?
Progressives claim Patriarchy is a social construct caused by sin.
1. If so, then why did God choose to be constrained by mankind’s prejudices by calling Himself Father?
2. If a father being the patriarchal head is oppressive, then how is there comfort in Jesus’s words, “Our Father who is in heaven”?
The problem is not “patriarchy”. The problem is mostly because of the “patriarchs” and the many patriarchs who followed a sinful leadership construct.
God is not so handcuffed in his dealings with mankind so as to be constrained to communicate using a sinful construct. Think about that for a second.
1. If patriarchy is the result of sin, then God is picturing himself sinfully!
2. If patriarchy is not a result of sin, then is patriarchy God’s creation construct?
God’s patriarchal system is based upon God as protector and provider for the benefit of those provided for and protected. That is my baseline definition of patriarchy.
I will list two examples demonstrating God’s use of positive patriarchy:
1. Long ago, God spoke to the “fathers” by the prophets (Hebrews 1:1). Even though God had both male and female prophets, the Greek language still says those prophets spoke to the “fathers” (which the CSB renders “ancestors”). Whether we take the “fathers” to be ancestors or male leaders, the language is still patriarchal.
2. In these last days, God speaks to us through His Son (Hebrews 1:2). “Son” is masculine. Jesus could have been incarnated as a female because many cultures had female deities. Israel did not when they were faithful.
To suggest Israel’s patriarchy was culturally man-made, destroys the historical narrative. Israel is the son of God, in one analogy. And Israel is the wife of God in another. The analogy in both is dependent upon God being in a leadership position as either father or husband.
The Hebrew God did not have a female deity as God’s consort like the surrounding nations. God chose these analogies, not culture. Israel being a son is foreshadowing Jesus being the Son. Israel being God’s wife is foreshadowing Jesus’s relationship to the church.
If the patriarchal system is man-made and needs dismantling, can’t we see that would be dismantling the God’s created history fulfilled in Jesus?

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