PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Hebrews 10:24-25 – Which Would You Choose?

Which would you choose? 1) Some will be at Bible classes and assembly because they desire it. 2) Some will stay home (or hospital) because they can’t be there and it tears then up wishing they good. 3) Some will stay home or go out some place else because they desire those things. No one would choose the second option of being “left behind” (that is what they feel) or missing out (you find yourself watching the clock to see what your church family is doing). And yet everyone in group 1 should should option 2 over the 3rd group. They are sadly are more into themselves than God (1st Great Command) or others (2nd Great Command). Everything always hangs on those two revelations of God’s priorties. Which will you choose today?

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