PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Hebrews 11:24-25 – The Greatest Marketer

Marketing has been described as convincing people to buy what they don’t want – or need. Impulse buys are next to the cash register. Cars with 180 plus mph are bought for roads with a speed limit of 70. The greatest marketer is…Satan. He convinces people to buy into the unthinkable:
[ ] To become addicts, thus losing health, jobs, self-respect, and possibly their lives – all for the temporary high or dullness of pain.
[ ] To betray spouses, destroying someone who loves them, even teaching their children that no one is worth the risk of trusting – all for the temporary ego and “self-deceived-self-respect”.
[ ] To turn their backs on faithfulness to Christ, and everything they know and believe, due to insignificant or perceived wrongs, or to please unbelieving spouses and children – all for the temporary peace that removes felt conflicts.
Sadly and frighteningly, all three of the above marketing pleas only need one decision, one yes. Unlike powerful prescription medicines, Satan’s temptations do not come with a list of possible side effects. Like those prescriptions, most ignore the warnings anyway; “that only happens to other people.”
As someone “almost” wrote, “By wrong faith many, when they had grown up, refused to be called the sons of God and chose not to suffer with the people of God but to enjoy the short-lived pleasure of sin.” (Not Quite Hebrews 11:24-25).
Only a marketing genius can make the ugly, pretty; the disgusting, palatable; the worthless, worth it; and the short term, worth losing eternity. Of course it helps to have guillable consumers.

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