1 Corinthians 12:20 – Complaining Body Parts
Complaining Body Parts
But now there are many members, but one body (1 Cor.12:20). Have you ever noticed that none of the spiritual “body parts” are “The Complainer!” If that is not listed in the Bible as one of God’s gifts to the body, then how come so many believe it their God-given duty to complain? Lily Tomlin said, “Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.” Unfortunately there are some Christians like that.
Of course, complaining about complaining might seem a little hypocritical. So let’s stick with the Holy Spirit’s analogy of the body. Physical body parts do complain…sometime. Their purpose in complaining is to inform other body parts that something is wrong, and they need help. But…do they complain something is wrong with the other body parts, or are they complaining that something is wrong with themselves? Does the back complain about the big toes? Do fingers complain about the liver?
So what do we learn? There is no body part called “the complainer.” That is not an official position within the church. No one needs to apply for that position. And when we do complain, let us complain more about ourselves needing help and encouragement, rather than complaining about everyone else.
O.K., this body part – the mouth – is through complaining.