1 Corinthians 15 – The 1st and 2nd Adam (Finding Jesus)
Following the example of Paul in 1 Corinthians 15: The 1st and 2nd Adam:
- The 1st Adam was created on the 6th day; the 2nd Adam was recreated on the 1st day.
- The 1st Adam was created on the last day of old creation; the 2nd Adam was recreated on the first day of new creation.
- The 1st Adam was made out of clay; the 2nd Adam was remade in a cave.
- The 1st Adam proves creation; the 2nd Adam proves the resurrection.
- The 1st Adam proved God’s power over nothingness; the 2nd Adam proved God’s power over death.
- The 1st Adam was created to rule over the old earth; the 2nd Adam was recreated to rule over the new earth.
- The 1st Adam is the head of the human race; the 2nd Adam is the head of the Christian race.
- The 1st Adam was given a wife by God; the 2nd Adam was given a Bride.
- The 1st Adam was given a wife from His body; the 2nd Adam was given a wife as His body.
- The 1st Adam had his side split by God; the 2nd Adam had His side split by a soldier.
- The 1st Adam was led into sin by his wife; the 2nd Adam leads His bride out of sin.
- The 1st Adam meets Satan in a garden and ends up in the wilderness; the 2nd Adam meets Satan in the wilderness and ends up in the garden.
- The 1st Adam was defeated by Satan; the 2nd Adam defeated Satan.
- The 1st Adam hid himself in a garden; the 2nd Adam revealed Himself in a garden.
- The 1st Adam brought sin into the world; the 2nd Adam takes away the sin of the world.
- The 1st Adam brings death; the 2nd Adam gives life.
- The 1st Adam brings a curse; the 2nd Adam removes the curse and brings blessings.
- The 1st Adam lost Paradise; the 2nd Adam gives us Paradise.
- The 1st Adam ate of the fruit and died; the 2nd Adam drank the cup and died.
- The 1st Adam walked out of a garden and died; the 2nd Adam walked out of a garden and died.
- The 1st Adam walked with God; the 2nd Adam was God who walked.
- The 1st Adam became a living soul; the 2nd Adam became a life-giving Spirit.