PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Corinthians – A Frightening Warning

Some Corinthians (claiming to be Christians) could not believe in the resurrection of the dead other than Jesus. If they could believe Jesus had been resurrected, why not others? It is possible they did not know about all the OT stories, or even those in the NT. It is also possible they deemed them different – which they are because Jesus was the firstfruits of the dead (never to die again). So what was the problem? The message of the cross (chapter 1) was foolishness to the Gentiles. The message of the cross includes the death, burial, and resurrection. Their philosophies (1:20) differed from God’s revelation on the body. Therefore because of their cultural preconceptions, they denied an inspired truth. What preconceptions – whether cultural, philosophical, political, religious, economical, racial, national (etc.) – blind us from God’s truths?

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