Exodus 14 – A Newer Creation
Israel is leaving bondage, but is not yet free. The enemy is pursuing. Israel leaves Egypt following a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire for night. Then this pillar divides Israel from Egypt as the Egyptians pursue. The cloud is moved from leading the Israelites to behind them, between the Egyptians and Israelites (Ex.14:19-20). Then there is darkness, yet it lights up the night so that light is separated from the darkness. The pillar of cloud and fire is possibly keeping the Egyptians in darkness while bringing light to the Israelites just like the ninth plague. All during the night an east wind blows, so on the next day the water is divided exposing dry land enabling the Israelites to cross the Red Sea (Ex.14:21-22). Are there memories of old creation? Yes, but a new creation too is happening, one which will be repeated. This is Israel’s beginning hearkening back The Beginning. We too today are in Satan’s dominion of darkness, then we come to the kingdom of light (Col.1:13) as we follow our pillar of Light, Jesus Christ (Jn.8:12; 9:5). We too are baptized as were the Israelites (1 Cor.10:1-2). Likewise, our lives are divided not only by darkness and light, but divided by water so that we might walk in newness of life. After creation, creation praises its creation (Ps.19). After walking through on dry land, the Israelites praise their Savior from bondage (Ex.15). We see Jesus in the first creation, and in the creation of Israel. Are you celebrating and praising, having walked out of darkness, separated from your old world by water? Do you see Jesus in your new creation (2 Cor.5:17)?