PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Practicing Jesus’ Religion

Jesus ate with “tax collectors and sinners” (Luke 15:2). Jesus ate with the religious folk of His day, the Pharisees (Luke 7:36). Bad exegesis says, “Wow, Jesus loved to eat!” Good exegesis says, “Wow, Jesus loves everyone!” That’s one key to getting people to listen. How are we doing on that?
Recently the Supreme Court sided with, based upon the 11st Amendment, a Colorado baker who, for conscience sake, could not make a wedding cake for a homosexual couple. As a preacher who has refused to perform certain weddings, and with a wife who refused to make certain cakes, I am appreciative of the 1st Amendment.
However, a certain hardware store put back in place a sign which said, “No gays allowed” after the court’s ruling. That is not a “sign” of a tender conscience or religious freedom; that’s despicable! Religious freedom is not part of selling hammers!
Jesus never engaged in anything – nor asked others to – that violated His conscience. He often corrected people though on religious matters about truth and the conscience. That is important. Just as important, maybe more so, Jesus engaged with anyone on daily levels to let them know He cared.
The Constitution allows freedom of religion; let’s make sure we are practicing the same love of Jesus’s religion. How are we doing on that?

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