PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Was The Good Samaritan Late or Worse?

On my way to a men’s breakfast this morning and saw several cars, including police cars in the church parking lot. I stopped, and then opened the building for their convenience since it was raining off and on, plus they had been here since 2 AM. Several came in so they could make calls, use the facilities, and sit. Sadly, someone will be going to jail, and a child might be taken into protective custody. Prayers for everyone involved is appropriate. I gave my contact information to the police officers in case this happens again, so I can assist.
Missing my appointment, it made me wonder: Do you think the Good Samaritan might have missed an appointment because he saw a need? Have you thought of that possibility before, that the Good Samaritan was possibly more inconvenienced than we know? Of course, it is just a parable, so we know that it is not real. However, that’s one of the benefits of trying to live what we read – it makes us realize more than what reading can show. Even that which is not real, like a parable, can become very real in our lives.

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