Hell is Not Our Home
Hell Is Not Our Home
Hell can never be home for lost people because it was created for Satan and his angels (Matthew 25:41), not for us. When a person is saved, they get to go home to be with God since God created us to be together with Him – we dwell with God and God dwells with us even now (John 14). When a person is lost eternally (Matthew 25:46), where they are is not “home”. They are in Hell, but Hell is not “Home” which is why those eternally there are called lost. You can’t be lost at home! Home is where we are found! If you are lost, come home. God created the new heavens and earth for you. Home starts by being in Christ’s Church because the Church is the Bride of Christ. Jesus brings the lost Home. Come home.
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Claude Davis, Netagene Kirkpatrick and 33 others