Matthew 15 – Truth vs Tradition
Truth versus Tradition. This is continually the battle in practicing religion. Tradition is not necessarily wrong, and is impossible to escape. If, to escape traditionalism, you vow to never do the order of services the same, that becomes your tradition! When is tradition wrong? How can we tell if it is contrary to truth?
Let’s just point out one obvious truth-teller: When tradition contradicts scripture, it is wrong. That’s so obvious it shouldn’t need saying. But… the problem is somehow we are oblivious to the obvious!
Here is just one example: According to Genesis 1 and Proverbs 31, is being a woman a blessing from God? Obviously yes.
And yet, a common Jewish prayer by the same men who had both Genesis and Proverbs as scripture said, “Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who hast not made me a woman.”
The one takeaway point is don’t assume it is always easy to differentiate truth from tradition. Otherwise, why did Jesus need to warn against it (Matthew 15)?