PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Matthew 18:23-35 – Personal Debt

In The Parable of the Two Debtors (Matthew 18:23-35), when the first debtor realized the price of his debt – he, his wife and children, and all that he owned had to be sold to repay his debt (v.25) – his debt became personal.  His debt became real…at least real enough for him to be consumed by the consequences…his consequences.  Personal debt is more than dollars and cents. It is even more than just personal, individual debt.  It is personal on our families as well.  Where was his sensibility, this awareness, when going into debt?

I wonder…how real are our spiritual debts to us?  Do we realize the consequences of our actions on our families?  Not being a spiritual leader can lead our families to hell.

I wonder…how real are our emotional debts to us?  Do we realize the impact of our reactions on our families?  Exploding verbally, physically or emotionally on our families can damage their ability to relate to others in a balanced way.

I wonder…how real are our financial debts to us?  Do we realize the penalties on our families?  Working 2 or 3 jobs might be necessary to pay the bills and that is admirable unless the bills are frivolous – bigger car, more vacations, personal luxuries, etc.  Staying away from the family puts unintended distance between the family members.

In the end, the first debtor who refused to forgive another debtor was handed…over to the torturers until he should repay all that was owed him (v.34).  His family was not sold into slavery although they lost a husband and a father.

Spiritual, emotional, and financial debts are all personal debts.  Do we realize what our debts cost our families?

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