PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Matthew 4:2; Luke 2 – God Fasting

In the desert, the Son of God fasts for 40 days. “God fasting;” if there is ever a more thought provoking and shocking statement, it would only be “God dying” (Acts 20.28). Those two thoughts are not totally unrelated. Fasting is death to self, want, and even death to need. Fasting is a type of crucifying self. Both are humbling. “Man does not live on bread alone,” but man needs bread to live. Living to please God is a higher need and want than pleasing self by eating just to keep living. Fasting is a willingness to do without the very thing that sustains life, which means fasting is the willingness to do without life. “God fasting;” our entire being, body, spirit and soul, should pay attention. If Jesus fasts, if God in the flesh needs to fast, then we need to deeply learn that man does not live by bread alone. Fasting is living first on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God and proving it by not living first on bread. Fasting weakens our body and strengthens our spirit against temptation. Are we willing to put aside life in order to live? (upcoming book, Face to Face with Satan)

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