PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Matthew 4:5-7; Luke 4:9-12 – The Subtlety of Temptation

Satan asking Jesus to jump is the temptation; but subtle is the unstated temptation found in choosing not to jump. If Jesus jumps to make God jump to save Him, then that is wrong. If Jesus doesn’t jump because He loves His life more than God, that too is wrong. Giving in to sin, this could literally become, “damned if you do, damned if you don’t.” Lorenzo Dow, circa 1834, is credited with originating that phrase. Here is the complete phrase:

‘You can and you can’t; You shall and you shan’t; You will and you won’t; And you will be damned if you do; And you will be damned if you don’t.’

The young evangelist originated this in reference to preachers who would preach a sermon that would make the Bible contradict itself. Very appropriate to our situation here, where Satan is will take scripture out of context.

Of course, Jesus finds the correct way out of this by correcting Satan’s misuse of Scripture, contending that it is sinful to test God. To not jump is right, but only because the reasoning is right. (excerpt from upcoming book, Face to Face with Satan)

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