Matthew 5:39 – Turn The Other Cheek
“Turn the other cheek” (Matthew 5:39). As a child I didn’t quite understand this. As I physically drew a picture of Jesus’ words in my mind, the assailant’s slap would literally turn the other cheek away, not towards him. So that didn’t make sense. As an adult, do I understand it any better? This verse is in the middle of some of Jesus’ hardest, and maybe most neglected, statements ever. What do they mean? What do they not mean? Is Jesus preaching against self-defense? Is the war question being discussed? Can I protect my family? Am I to be a door-mat?
An epiphany hit me the other day…or maybe it was just my massive headache…but could the point be oh so simple, but not oh so easy?
I am not to live “an eye for an eye, nor a tooth for a tooth”. Rather, I am to turn the other cheek, give my shirt and my coat, go the extra mile or give whatever is asked, and to love my enemies. What do all these have in common? What is the simple but not so easy meaning?
I choose to literally move the opposite way of normal thinking. I choose how I will react; I choose not to react; I choose who I am and will be. I choose to be like my Father – “Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48).
Choosing an action must be accompanied by choosing an attitude and motivation. If someone hits me, I can with strength stand there and not retaliate. If someone attacks another, I can with strength stand up out of love for another, but not done with hate, but rather to protect. I choose my action and attitude.
“Turning the other cheek” is choosing to not be like the one slapping my face. “Turning the other cheek” is choosing not to let others choose for me. I choose the simple but not easy choice.