PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Matthew 5-6 – Shift in Scenes

There is an intriguing shift from blessings to warnings between chapters 5 and 6:

  • In chapter 5 Jesus blesses those who are persecuted because they are seen practicing righteousness; and in chapter 6 Jesus warns against practicing your righteousness to be seen.
  • In chapter 5 Jesus blesses public righteousness, salt and light; and in chapter 6 Jesus warns against public righteousness seen in prayers, alms, and fasting.
  • In chapter 5 the blessed need is for the righteous benefit of the others, those needing righteousness; while in chapter 6 the need is to be warned for the righteous benefit of the self, those practicing righteousness.
  • In chapter 5 the reward comes to others from the righteous being seen; in chapter 6 the reward is to the righteous, in secret from God who sees in secret.

So why this shift in scenes? There is a need to be seen and a danger in needing to be seen. There is nothing more dangerous than righteousness that is not done for the right reason. What we are in private will be what we are in public; but what we are in public is not always what we are in private. There is a difference between being seen for self, and being seen for God. There is a difference between shining a light and shining it on ourselves or in the faces of others. Righteousness leads to either being poor in spirit or proud of heart. Where and why it leads is the difference between the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees and the surpassing righteousness of Heaven’s kingdom.

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