PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Matthew 7:12 – Was Jesus Including You in the Golden Rule?

Was Jesus Including You in the Golden Rule?
The answer to this question is a LOUD, “YOU BETCHA!” The way some act, they appear exempt or else they have a severe personality defect. Here’s what I mean….
1. You would think some enjoy public pain and humiliation. They beam with glee when they “comfort the afflicted” (those who agree with them) and “afflict the comfortable” (those who disagree with them). What happens when they are afflicted because someone treats them accordingly? They can “dish it out” but can’t take it. Is this living the Golden Rule?
2. Preachers can be guilty by using the “bully pulpit” to bully people from the pulpit! Power and authority can corrupt as much as any moral evil. As one can abuse positions, one can abdicate using it for good. Milquetoast preaching and overseeing benefits no one. Fundamentally, isn’t Jesus’s rule showing needed reciprocal action? Jesus called out those who needed it, and affectionately gathered the broken. Is being a bully living the Golden Rule?
3. Others do and say everything behind the back of their target. Apparently, their misunderstanding of the Golden Rule goes in one direction. No one wants closet gossip about themselves. Are they living Jesus’s Golden Rule?
4. “Keyboard Courage” is not authentic courage. Saying something through social media that you would never say in person, and then blocking others when they return the favor is hypocritical. Hypocrisy is the opposite of living the Golden Rule.
If Jesus’s saying applies to us, then let’s practice it. That way people will know how we want to be treated. More importantly, we will be following Jesus.

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