PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Romans 12-13 – Syrian Refugees

Good-hearted people are confused over what should be done with the Syrian refugees. I hope we all use these real-time ethical situations to hone our understanding of God’s demands upon us Christians. Have you noticed Romans 12 ends with an admonition to love and feed our enemies and not take violent revenge? Have you noticed Paul immediately afterwards states the government does not wield the sword of justice in vain? Our Bibles separate these by chapters but the original reader would not have made a mental, artificial, break between the two. I have advocated before and will again that the responsibilities of the individual (Romans 12) are different than the responsibilities of the government (Romans 13). This applies to how I treat the refugees, including the illegal aliens. I feed my “enemies.” The government is called God’s minister. It’s first priority is to protect its citizens which apparently includes capital punishment. For a Christian that would be sinful revenge. For the government that is their God-given duty. So as we hone our responses remember that even God commands different responses depending on the responsibilities He has given to the individual and the government.

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