PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Ecclesiastes 12 – Meaning in a Life of Uncertainty

Meaning in Life Even In Uncertainty
The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed and the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed (Augustine). One doctrine more revealed under the new covenant is the eternal life after the physical life. Where in the Old Testament is this taught? Sometimes “where” is more important than “when”!
After the teacher explains that his experiments in finding happiness have been a failure. After finding sex, alcohol, music, work, all leave one still lacking. Even after discovering wisdom and knowledge can’t explain all that God does to his satisfaction. The teacher slips in a conclusion of something unexpected at the end.
Before the conclusion, he says life itself ends for humans the same way as for animals, in death.
“For the fate of the children of Adam and the fate of animals is the same. As one dies, so dies the other; they all have the same breath. People have no advantage over animals since everything is futile. All are going to the same place; all come from dust, and all return to dust. Who knows if the spirits of the children of Adam go upward and the spirits of animals go downward to the earth?” (CSB’17 Ecclesiastes 3:19-21)
“Life under the sun” is empty in meaning, temporary in fun, and ends in death and questions. Do we know if life continues?
In the end, the teacher concludes with one meaningful way of living. Life lived for God means this life doesn’t end in death. Notice how he phrases it:
“For God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil.” (CSB’17 Ecclesiastes 12:14)
If we cease to exist at death, then judging is useless. The coming judgment of God is telling. There is existence beyond this existence. That is filled with meaning for this life!
When is the afterlife taught? Even in the Old Testament. Where is it taught? Now this is important – in a book telling us life lived only for this world ends in unhappiness here, and judgment in the afterlife. Our spirits do return to God after all.

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