PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Exodus 20 – The 10 Commandments in Christ (5th – Honor)

The 5th Command is about honoring your father and mother; followed by a promise of life. This promise of life is followed by a command to not take life; which is the 6th. The rest of the commands are familiar but missing in much of society today: do not commit adultery, steal, tell false witness, and covet our neighbor’s possessions and wife. All of these, 6-9, are commands against crimes. The 10th, wanting what others have, leads to crime. While anyone can commit crimes, where do we find the urge to resist more difficult? Statistically it is undeniable. Where there are not two parents, a father and a mother, living and working together, crimes go up; because in the child emotional stability goes down. A broken home, or a home never built, hurts the children. In fact, statistics show, there is almost a reverse promise – the children too often will not live long lives. If you want to protect your children make them a promise. Give them a family structure of a mother and father to honor.

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