PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Exodus 22:22-26 – Praying through the Bible #34 – A Prayer that is a Cry

My son was mesmerized by a card with a picture that changed shapes when the card moved. Technically they are called “lenticular 3D holograms.” His brother playfully mocked, to which I replied, “Hey, I am fascinated by simple things too, after all, I am fascinated by you!” In the language of those “in the know,” I “slayed” him; and the teenage girl standing next to them gave me a high five.

In reading the contingency laws following the famed Ten Commandments, it is easy to see only outdated laws involving a theocratical and economical system wherein democratic American ideals of “all men are created equal” don’t apply. And then, right in the middle we learn something incredible about the Lawgiver.

When thinking of Yahweh’s most impressive qualities or characteristics, it is understandably easy to be awed by the omnipotence of the plagues. Then there’s God’s omniscience where He foresees Pharaoh’s every single move. Even God’s omnipresent is present within the story because He is not a god of Canaan with no powers in Egypt.

Maybe the most impressive qualities of God are not the ones we cannot begin to fathom, but rather the ones we are called to emulate – love, mercy, compassion. Very ungodlike, as false gods go, Yahweh cares about the simple people, those whose lives have been hit hard by misfortune: the widows, fatherless, and the poor.

In the middle of all those mind-numbing laws, God says, “You must not mistreat any widow or fatherless child. If you do mistreat them, they will no doubt cry to Me, and I will certainly hear their cry…. If you ever take your neighbor’s cloak as collateral, return it to him before sunset. For it is his only covering; it is the clothing for his body. What will he sleep in? And if he cries out to Me, I will listen because am compassionate” (Ex 22.22-26). This crying out can involve both shouting and crying; such a sad prayer.

All through both Covenants, our God is concerned about those most are not concerned about. Hear Martin Luther King’s voice in Amos 5.24 – “Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness, like an ever-flowing stream.” Hear Jesus’ actions echoing in “Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1.27). Adopt (the two sons listed above are), foster, be a Big Brother or Big Sister, or find your own ways to help. Spend time with that child whose father walked out. Sit with the widows, and just listen to their stories. At times the worse mistreatment comes not from what we do, but failing to care enough to try. Sometimes it’s the simple things that matter the most, and the simple people.

Prayer Challenge: It’s too easy to be jaded by the con artists that we can fail to help those truly in need. Pray for the right heart and right opportunities. And if you are one of those most don’t care about…God hears your cries, and your crying out to Him.

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