PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Ezra 1:5-6 – Should I Go or Stay?

Much like Lot is maligned for choosing the land of Sodom, although Scripture only speaks highly of him (2 Peter 2:7-8); those Jewish exiles who chose not to return after Cyrus’ decree are viewed askew, as less holy than the returnees. In staying behind, how could they be as righteous as those who went?

However, Ezra 1:5 does not describe those returning to the Land of Promise as being holier and better Jews than those who stayed settled in Babylon. The Bible does not suggest that those staying in exile were “tied to this world,” materialistic and too comfortable. The Holy Spirit says in Ezra 1:5 “God had motivated” those who returned. God is given the credit, not the returnees. Those staying behind gave gifts – “All their neighbors supported them with silver articles, gold, goods, livestock, and valuables, in addition to all that was given as a freewill offering (1:6). Notice, “in addition to” and “freewill offering.” Those who financed the trip were righteous too.

There are godly men who did not return either at the beginning or later: Daniel and Mordaicai both served God in the Gentile government during the Persian period of rule. I doubt any would suggest that such a work, such a service to God as that, was easier than returning and rebuilding. Each had it challenges.

It is too easy to judge wrongly and assign false motives. God needed godly men to stay behind. And just like today, God motivates men and women to travel to foreign lands and to finance those trips. I am thankful to God for both blessings to His kingdom. Traveling servants are not greater than or lesser than those who stay behind and support the work, by doing secular work. Neither are those who finance the trips more holy or less righteous. God needs godly men and women to go…and to stay. Both are needed.

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