PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

The Breakdown of Society Falls at Home

Monogamy in the past was being true to one person for life. Now it is one person at a time.
Divorce in the past was due mostly to someone being unhappy with the person they married. Now it is often due to someone thinking they could be happier with someone else.
Society has lost the cultural covenant meaning of marriage. Each couple thinks only as far as themselves. However, marriage not only protects men, women, and children; it helps keep Society as a whole together.
The above truth is seen in Ezra and Nehemiah when the whole nation was affected by marrying foreign wives. Marriage is bigger than just two people. From a practical perspective, do the following have an adverse or positive effect on society?
1. Men divorcing their wives to marry younger women. What happens to the wives of their youth? (Malachi 2:13-16)
2. Women postponing marriage and living out their fleshly desires out of some warped sense of equality. How many women then regret not finding a “good man”? (Ezekiel 16:44)
3. Children growing up without fathers in the home. How many prison cells enclose the fatherless? (James 1:27)
We all want happiness in our marriage. Holiness is more important. Not only does your home depend upon you, so do your neighbors. A nation is only as strong as its families.

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