PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 2 – Dating Advice from the Beginning

A country song laments, “Looking for love in all the wrong places”. Another mistake is looking for love in all the wrong order.
Even among God’s people, we have made a Western Cultural method of dating into something dangerous. “Dating is for fun!” No, dating is a job interview for life.
Genesis 2 teaches an order that many in today’s world have gotten disordered, resulting in chaos in relationships. The first and second could be reversed but there might be a reason for their order too.
1. Men, before starting a relationship with anyone, learn to work, get a job. This takes maturity and responsibility so you can provide (Gen.2:15).
2. Men, before starting a relationship with anyone, work on your spiritual responsibility, knowing right from wrong, so you can lead (Gen.2:16-17).
3. Men, after becoming physically mature enough to financially provide and spiritually mature enough to lead, then look for a life-long partner (Gen.2:18-21).
4. Men, when looking for a life-long partner, look for someone God approves (Gen.2:22).
5. Men, after finding someone God approves, celebrate emotionally with the woman you are to marry (Gen.2:23).
6. Men, prioritize your wife over your previous family relationships (Gen.2:24).
7. Men, only after marriage do you seek to become “one flesh” (i.e., have sex) with a woman (Gen.2:24).
While these steps are addressed to males, since it follows Adam, ladies here’s the application for you – is this the type of man you are looking for? 
How many of these steps are followed today? How many are totally left out? Let’s follow God’s order for successful relationships with ourselves and our future spouses.

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