PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 2:15 – Men Protecting is Not Toxic Masculinity

Men Protecting Is Not Toxic Masculinity
Men need to protect to feel like Men. It is a positive masculine trait to protect women and children. Protecting is not “toxic masculinity”. What was Adam’s first failing?
What if the first sin was not Eve eating the fruit (Gen.3:6)?
What if the first violation didn’t begin with Adam listening to his wife (Gen.3:17).
What if the first sin had nothing to do with the tree?
What if the first failing wasn’t even an active sin at all?
What of the first sin goes back to Adam passively failing the purpose of man in the garden – to protect.
Genesis 2:15 says man is to “work” and “watch over” the garden. To cultivate or work is labor. To “watch over” includes guarding and protecting. Notice this positive command and purpose is stated before the negative prohibition against eating from the tree (Gen.2:16). When Cain asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” it is the same word used of Adam keeping or watching over the garden.
In the temptation scene, in Genesis 3:6, Adam is with Eve, and this implies during the temptation. When Adam heard and saw the serpent talking and tempting, he did nothing! The serpent entered his “house”! He failed to prevent before or protect afterwards. Adam did not guard and protect.
Husbands…protect your wives. Make them secure by your love and hard work. Imagine coming home and the front door is open. How many men expect the woman to investigate? Why? God created men to protect their home.
Dads…protect your children. Be a spiritual leader. Check their phones and computers, know their friends, this is being a real Dad. God created men to watch over their children to keep them safe.
Husbands and Dads…Be a real man. Protect your “garden”.

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