PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 37-50 – The Temptations of Dysfunctional Families #7

Being broken breaks our relationships with those who have not hurt us, even though they are innocent. The betrayal of a friendship leads to pain. The discovery that a friendship is just a façade leads to doubt. Either damages friendship building and future friendships. Joseph’s brothers could not speak kindly to him after seeing their father loving him more than them (Gen 37.4). Hurting others often is directed at those who have not hurt us because we are too afraid to confront the real malefactor. Joseph showed strength of character with all those around him, from Potiphar (Gen 39.4) to the prison warden (Genesis 39:22-23) and inmates (Gen 40), all the way to Pharaoh (Gen 41.40). With all the trouble that Joseph suffered from his older brothers, those in authority over him in a family situation, he never exhibits problems with authority figures, even becoming one himself.

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