PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 22 – Praying through the Bible #12 – A Prayer of Fellowship

There are three words in our story that surprisingly are never used before this text: The words love (22:2), obey (22:18) and worship (22:5). Those three words should describe our prayer life. This is the story of Abraham, but also Isaac. This is the story of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; except there will be no ram for God. This is a story of more questions than answers. I have preached this story by asking about 100 questions without trying to answer them all. Think, aren’t many of our prayers questions without verbal answers? Ultimately, this story has to be about us.

“Here I am” Abraham answers prayerfully to God, after God calls his name (22.1). Isaac, the sacrifice, is thrice described tenderly: Take (1) your son, (2) Isaac, (3) whom you love” (22.2). Moriah, the site of this unthinkable burnt offering, later becomes the site of uncountable burnt offerings, the temple (2 Chron.3:1). The friend of God obeys and “early in the morning” (22.3) starts the journey to offer the sacrifice of worship. Abraham submits to God, and Isaac submits to Abraham. How old is this living sacrifice? Old enough to: walk (v.6); carry the sacrifice wood (v.6); converse (v.7); and reason (v.7). Isaac is old enough to resist his century-plus old father.

A second time Abraham says, “Here I am” but this time to his son (22.7). Hear the confusion in Isaac’s voice and the heartache in Abraham’s response. “Where’s the lamb?” “God Himself will provide the lamb” (22.8). Then I presume in silence, “the two of them walked on together.” That seemingly insignificant line is not insignificant. Love, obeying, and worship are about walking together with others, walking with God. Significantly, God, Abraham, and Isaac are, and will be, in fellowship.

“Here I am” for a third time is uttered as Abraham’s knife is about to slit the throat, or plunge into his bound, obedient son (22.11). Does the aged, loving, voice tremble? Is it filled with relief, hope, anxiety, or exasperation? The only part of the story I love is the end. God provides a substitute, a foreshadowing ram.

Around 2000 years later, this scene will be reenacted. There will be no ram for God, or for Jesus. The Son of God, Jesus, Whom He loves, will be our substitute; sacrificed while saying “Here I am,” as the “I AM.”

Prayer Challenge: Never will God ask us to sacrifice our children, because God already sacrificed His. That leaves us with praying “Here I am” when asked to volunteer, teach, love our enemies, obey difficult commands, and worship God. Sometimes families are divided religiously. Pray to love, obey and worship, to continually say “here I am.”

About The Author


One Response to “Genesis 22 – Praying through the Bible #12 – A Prayer of Fellowship”

  1. PHall says:

    Thank you for the encouragement to continue.