PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Kings 14:1-18 – A Selfish Mother

The words no mother wants to hear are stammered and whispered by the doctor. The word “mother” is synonymous with selflessness. Most women would immediately and easily choose to give their life to spare their child if the doctor said, “I can only save one.”

Many mothers sacrifice not their lives, but a relationship with their child. They do this in order to give the child a better life, by giving them life through birth and then giving them a life through adoption. For all those mothers who give their children up for adoption out of love, you are a true mother.

Yet not all mothers are self-sacrificing. Selfishness in the forms of drugs, neglect, hobbies, and the most drastic form, abortion, are becoming too common. And not only is this final form of “abuse” sanctioned by law, it is even protected by attacking those who are pro-life.

Let me present a case for you. What if your child is sick; there is nothing you can do. You search for answers. The only answer is that in order for the child to live, you must give the child up. What would a good mother do?

In the Bible there is a mother who is selfish. Jeroboam’s son is sick, deathly ill. He sends his wife to Ahijah to learn the child’s chances. Without recounting the whole story, the prophet says that child will die as soon as the mother returns home (1 Kings 14:12,17). So what does the mother do? I have always wondered why she didn’t just stay away. But then again, that is what a good mother would do. And yet again, today’s world is not different from yesterday’s. Not all mothers are selfless.

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