PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Samuel 10 – Kissing the King

The anointed one was kissed, and pronounced king over God’s people. This king was also a prophet. This sounds very similar to the story of Jesus, who is the Christ which means anointed one, kissed in betrayal with an unholy kiss by Judas, and sarcastically pronounced as king of the Jews as he hung on the cross, and prophesied his own resurrection and enthronement.
But this is a different story (1 Samuel 10). This is the story of a young man from a small and insignificant tribe being anointed as Israel’s first king. Instead of being betrayed, he ultimately betrayed God through his unfaithfulness.
Although different, there are even more similarities. Both kings die for their people. Both kings face enemies in their death. Both kings end in what looks like failure. One could even say that both kings took their lives into their own hands in death. Only one king brings ultimate freedom to his people.
To worship, using the Greek word, literally means “to kiss toward”. Have you worshiped Jesus? Is your life a holy kiss of confession to the King of Kings?

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