PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

2 Kings 15:16 – Killing Innocent Children

Is there anything more tragic in a war than the suffering of children?  Is there anything more darkening to a man’s understanding than the killing of innocents?  War should never be glorified although war happened many times even within the Bible.  Some wars admittedly were waged by God.  Some by godlessness. 

A rebellion broke out in the North Kingdom, also known as Israel.  Menahem – a general you possibly never heard of – took revenge against the murderer of his master.  This general became a king – whom you probably never heard of.  There were mothers who wished they had never heard of Menahem.  His 10 year reign began in blood.,,,godless blood.

Then Menahem struck Tiphsah and all who were in it and it s borders from Tirazh, because they did not open to him, there he struck it; and he ripped up all its women who were with child (2 Kings 15:16).

I am glad the killing of babies does not happen in our country….  Or does it? 

Is there anything more darkening to the soul than the deaths of innocent children in a war?  YES!  Sadly and tragically YES!

More darkening to the soul of our nation is when mothers, fathers, doctors, judges, and politicians allow, and legalize the modern medical practice of ripping from the womb innocent children.  They call it a choice…but the innocent children do not have one.  They call it a right…but the innocent children suffer the wrong.  They call it abortion…but the guilty cannot bear to call it what it really is.

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