PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

2 Samuel 24 – Praying through the Bible #107 – A Prayer of Life Lessons

Certain texts confuse, confound, make us scratch our heads, and become bewildered. Real life though, is just like that; existing in a state of uncertain knowledge, while surviving in a state of certain acceptance in the Divine. Certainty is not always certain in what we know, but in Who we trust. “The LORD’s anger burned against Israel again, and He stirred up David against them to say: ‘Go, count the people of Israel and Judah’” (2 Samuel 24.1). There is much here I do not understand; and much for us to learn.

David orders “register the troops so I can know their number” (24:1). Life lesson #1: Counting our blessings leads to humility; pride leads to counting our accomplishments.

Doubly strange is that rash Joab, that vindictive, murderous general, is the voice of reason. “May the LORD your God multiply the troops 100 times more than they are – while my lord the king looks on! But why does my lord the king want to do this?” (24.3). Life lesson #2: When even “you know who” knows better, we should know better.

Imperfect as anyone; yet a man after God’s own heart, “David’s conscience troubled him after he had taken a census of the troops” (24.10). So he prays, “I have sinned greatly in what I’ve done. Now, LORD, because I’ve been very foolish, please take away Your servant’s guilt” (24.10). Life lesson #3: Always realize it is not too late to repent. Life lesson #4: Only God can remove sin; wishing it away is impossible.

God’s solution came in the form of a revelation from the prophet Gad. Three choices are offered: 1) 3 years of famine; 2) 3 months of fleeing from foes; 3) 3 days of plague (24.13). Three choices, but each the same, death. Life lesson #5: Sin brings death. David wisely responds, “I have great anxiety, Please, let us fall into the LORD’s hands because His mercies are great, but don’t let me fall into human hands” (24.14). Life lesson #6: No matter how bad “bad” gets, it is better to be in God’s hands than man’s.

“So the LORD sent a plague on Israel from that morning until the appointed time, from Dan to Beersheba” (24.15). Seeing the devastation David petitions, “Look, I am the one who has sinned; I am the one who has done wrong. But these sheep, what have they done? Please let Your hand be against me and my father’s family” (24.17). Life lesson #7: Take responsibility for yourself by remembering your sins hurt the innocent.

Gad comes again and tells David to “Go up and set up an altar to the LORD” so “David went up in obedience…just as the LORD had commanded” (24.18-19). “Then the LORD answered prayer on behalf of the land, and the plague on Israel ended” (24.25). Life lesson #8: Repentance leads to worship and worship leads to healing.

Prayer Challenge: Pray to not let what we don’t know keep us from what we need to learn.

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